wallpaper, paper, cardboard. Additive for preparing stucco.
Powder glue to be dissolved in water. Universal
AK-universale is a powder glue based on pure natural and synthetic resins. Dissolved in water it transforms into a highly adhesive paste, easily workable and resistant to mold and heat. Its high dispersibility in water allows it to be used quickly and easily both as a wallpaper glue and as an additive for plaster. AK-universale mixed with plaster allows the preparation of an excellent smoothing putty. Its chemical-physical action gives gypsum-based mixtures excellent workability, plasticity and smoothness, increasing the final mechanical performance. Adhesion to the walls will also be optimal, making the work carried out safe and long-lasting.
Allows the installation of normal or light wallpaper, cardboard, paper and similar. Mixed with chalk it allows the preparation of an excellent smoothing putty.
Make sure that the support on which the glue will be spread is clean, dry and without any loose parts. Slowly dissolve the contents of the package in drinking water, leave to stand for about 20 minutes, then shake again and use the product.
For the application of vinyl or heavy wallpapers use “AK-vinylpaper (G3 blue), strong adhesive glue for vinyl wallpapers”; for the installation of delicate wall coverings, fabrics, special light papers, use “AK-texpaper (G3 yellow), adhesive for wallpaper, fabrics, delicate wall coverings”.
1 dose of AK-universale watered down can glue 30 to 50 square meters of paper depending on its absorption and the substrate characteristics. When used as an additive for stucco the yield depends by the substrate and the desired thickness.
Glue based on pure natural and synthetic resins.
Appearance: Mixture in white granules.
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